This is an editable notion page for Co-x3 Members only. Please make a new row for yourself and answer the following questions! After a week, you will be able to see exactly what you reported, so you can be accountable on a daily, weekly, and eventually monthly level. I will be adding custom formulas to help check your progress as well!

Click on the top right of your screen 'Edit" to create a new entry

Click on the top right of your screen 'Edit" to create a new entry

The date will automatically populate when you make a new row.

Use shift+enter to make new line breaks inside each column for bullet points and use the New Entry template provided.

Remember to join our daily accountability party if you can! We do a verbal wind-up/wind-down of our day 15 mins max, and if you want to keep productive, stay on the call with others to work with good company.

Without further's time to stand up! 👇

Stand Up!