We’re currently hosting our academy on Notion, so we can have our family collaborate with us. Comment on anything you’d like to update / change.

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How It Works

You are currently on the root page of the Co-x3 Academy. https://academy.co-x3.com is loading the content from the collections table below. We categorize our help articles into separate collections so that our community members can easily find the article they are looking for.

Co-x3 Academy



Tips & Tricks

<aside> ⚠️ Do NOT remove, add or change any of the properties in any of the databases (the tables with your content) in your template. HelpKit won't properly work otherwise.


<aside> ⚠️ Press the 🔁 Sync now button in your admin dashboard whenever you change the structure of your knowledge base i.e collection/article title and description, article properties such as published or the article itself.

You can also resync each article individually to quickly get an update published.

Screenshot 2021-09-06 at 14.20.00.png
