Who’s involved in Co-x3, and how do they deliver value to our community?


Who are the members of our community, and what are they in charge of?

Newbie Community

Individuals who are brand new to our community and have not gotten any roles.

Adventurer Community

Individuals who pass an entrance exam to our community and are full members of our family. Gets access to our resources. In the future, will have tiers of adventurers.


Individuals that have consistently submitted valuable feedback through suggestions (via commenting).

They will have editing permissions for the specific pages that they have demonstrated knowledge and competence in.


Individuals that have made great use of their editing permissions for specific pages.

They have editing permissions for the entire vertical that they have demonstrated knowledge and competence in.


Individuals that have full access of the vertical and manages the permissions of the vertical to enable leaders and moderators to thrive.

<aside> 💡 We are continuously looking for new leaders, moderators, and team members! If you have specific initiatives you want to get involved in, comment to let us know.



Workspace Organization

How do we organize our workspace using ‣?

System Architecture