We want to learn from the best mentors in the world, the people that are the top 5% of any domain that we want to excel in.

Add To Our Database

  1. Brainstorm your mentors.

    1. Who, alive or dead, that you really respect, look up to, and want to become like?
    2. Who, if looking over your shoulder, would make you your best possible self?
  2. Research their biography.

    Use our database template to help you add relevant information about them.

<aside> 💡 We do not want to idolize any particular individual. Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses, and the intention is that if there is a particular person we respect that has strengths in a domain / area that we want to be competent in, we can find the resources to help us emulate their lives and solve problems in the fashion that they would.

Essentially, we are creating a mental model where we have a ideal we can emulate that can help us navigate the world for certain situations and circumstances.


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