Learn how to use each component in the How To section, explore pre-built views, and gain access to the original databases powering our system.

Learn More β†’

L-CTRL Exclusives πŸ•ΉοΈ

Take back life control. Live a meaningful, intentional life while having fun.

<aside> πŸ•ΉοΈ Unlock all templates in this series with L-CTRL System.

It’s our super package which integrates Gamify Your Life and Be Intentional together, helping you live intentionally while having fun!



Be Intentional 🎯

Stay organized and ensure your efforts lead you to the success you want.

<aside> 🎯 Unlock all templates in this series by with Be Intentional Series.

Alternatively, you can consider our L-CTRL System which seamlessly integrates Gamify Your Life and Be Intentional together!



Shared with Gamify

C: Daily Quests

C: Knowledge Hub

C: Success Plan


Gamify Your Life πŸ‘Ύ

Build the motivation and focus to get things done by making work fun.

<aside> πŸ‘Ύ Unlock all templates in this series with Gamify Your Life.

Alternatively, you can consider our L-CTRL System which seamlessly integrates Gamify Your Life and Be Intentional together!



C: Leaderboard

C: Gamification Tags

C: Item Shop

C: Loot Box



R: Make Work Fun

<aside> ❓ Have burning questions? Search for answers to commonly asked questions in the academy or discuss with other learners in our community help desk.
