If you have not made significant customization to your system, you can simply transfer your data from your current system to benefit from the latest updates.

If you follow these steps, you will be using the new system completely. Before you start, we recommend you find out what kind of user you are so you are sure that these steps are right for you.

To be certain, you should only opt to migrate data if you have done minimal changes to your systems, and/or want to start again without any of your own customizations, but want to retain your data. Otherwise, you can consider integrating the latest updates into your existing system.

Depending on how much data you want to migrate, this process can take 10-15 mins.

Choose What Data To Migrate

What data do you want to keep from your old system?

You may not have used every single component in your system - so make a list of the databases you want to migrate data from. You can easily find your data by going to your Components, and looking for the specific components you use often.

<aside> 💡 Our Recommendation: Migrate core databases, and decide which auxiliary databases you use most often and would benefit from having historical data to look on.


Migrate Your Data

Follow the steps below to move the necessary data into your new system.

  1. Make sure you have already duplicated the newest system into your workspace. You should have your previous system, as well as your newest system ready to use.
  2. Open two Notion tabs
    1. One navigating your previous system.
    2. One navigating your newest system.